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    Arrest Karl Rove

    Arrest Karl Rove

    Thursday, May 21, 2009

    Dick Cheney, the mass murderer is a disgrace to our country

    The mass murderer Dick Cheney and his buddies (Bush Co) did not do a single thing for the country.

    It was in Dick's watch that 911 happened (with or without outside help!). Dick and his boy George invaded Iraq, a country that did not attack us,  because they have the second largest oil reserve and also boy George wanted to gain political capital. They also invaded Afghanistan (top world heroine producer)  because they need an oil pipeline to be built in that region.

    The mass murderer Dick Cheney is also a big liar.

    Dick Cheney is the torture mastermind of the Bush Crime Family.

    Dick Cheney also made sure that his former company Halliburton got all the no-bid contracts of the Iraq and Afghan invasions.

    Dick Cheney and boy George gave away 12 billion in cash in Iraq for whoever contractor was there.

    Dick and boy George's legacy (gift to Obama):

    - 2 invasions (wars) costing about $20 Billion/month
    - killing of 1.5 million civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan
    - almost total destruction of the world economy (by total deregulation of the US economy)
    - the biggest deficit of the US ever
    - the biggest trade deficit ever in the US
    - Guantanamo Bay
    - The worst and costly health care system in the industrialized world
    - the biggest profits ever for the oil companies
    - the biggest outsourcing of jobs ever
    - the biggest unemployment ever
    - the biggest profits for the pharmaceutical industries
    - destruction of the American Democracy and beginning of Faxism
    - tax cut for the 2% wealthy americans
    - tax cut for the corporations
    - tax increase for the middle class
    - destruction of the middle class
    - destruction of the american manufacturing sector
    - disrespect for the constitution and civil liberties
    - illegal spying on people's email/phone conversations
    - firing of attorneys for political gains
    - illegal imprisonment of Alabama governor Don Sieguelman by Karl Rove
    - US is becoming the "US Soviet Union" a totalitarian country
    - lowering of the american wages
    - decrease in benefits/pension, etc
    - changed the bankaruptcy laws for worse, to help the cradit card companies/banks
    - biggest military budget ever
    - the list goes on and on...

    These war criminals (Dick Cheney, GW Bush, Karl Rove, Condi Rice, and others) deserve to go to jail for life.

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