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    Monday, June 29, 2009



    vendredi 23 février 2007
    Ricky Martin Defends Obscene Gesture Made During Puerto Rico Show As He Sang Bush's Name

    Latin American pop artist Ricky Martin sings during the first concert of his Black and White tour, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Friday, Feb. 9, 2007.

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico Feb 16, 2007 (AP)— Ricky Martin, who was a headliner at the 2001 inauguration ball for President George W. Bush, has a message for the American commander in chief about war.

    At a recent concert, the 35-year-old singer stuck up his middle finger when he sang the president's name in his song "Asignatura Pendiente," which includes the words, "a photo with Bush." The gesture last Friday prompted cheers from thousands of fans in the San Juan stadium.

    [Click on "commentaires" below for the rest of the story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 13:47 0 commentaires
    Libellés : Finger-Up-Bush's Ass, Ricky Martin
    mardi 20 février 2007
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 17:54 0 commentaires
    Bush Cuts Off Relations With Congress
    Bush Severes Diplomatic Relations With Congress

    WASHINGTON, DC—President Bush announced Monday that his administration will permanently sever ties with the democratically controlled United States Congress, ending a nearly 220-year-old alliance between the two governmental branches.

    "Our administration no longer recognizes the authority of this rogue body," said Bush in a televised Oval Office address. "Clearly, these combative men and women have a political agenda in direct opposition to our own. They have no concern for my national interests, and have left me no choice."

    [Click on "commentaires" below for the rest of the story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 17:54 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush White House, Congress, Insanity
    jeudi 15 février 2007
    Bernstein: Bush administration's disinformation, misinformation 'something I have never witnessed before on this scale'

    Veteran reporter Carl Bernstein says the lack of truth and candor from the Bush administration is unprecedented in his experience.

    Comparing the Nixon administration's press relations to those of Bush, Bernstein says, "Nixon's relationship to the press was consistent with his relationship to many institutions and people. He saw himself as a victim. We now understand the psyche of Richard Nixon, that his was a self-destructive act and presidency.

    "The Bush administration," Bernstein continues, "is a far different matter in which disinformation, misinformation and unwillingness to tell the truth -- a willingness to lie both in the Oval Office, in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, in the office of the vice president, the vice president himself -- is something that I have never witnessed before on this scale."

    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of the article.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 11:35 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush Misinforms, Disinforms More Than Any Other
    mardi 13 février 2007
    Bush Is a Liar & a Drunk: Al-Qaida
    What else is new? We all knew that! The difference is that it is now public and official!

    Now It's Personal: Al Qaeda Calls Bush an Alcoholic Liar

    The latest taped statement from al Qaeda is an unusually personal attack on President Bush, in which al Qaeda's No. 2 in command, Ayman al Zawahiri, denounces Bush as "an alcoholic, liar and gambler with an addictive personality."

    Zawahiri delivers the attack in a 40-minute audio tape released overnight on Internet sites, and relayed to ABC News by an American terror analyst, Laura Mansfield.

    On the tape, Zawahiri also condemns American Democrats "as one side of the same coin of tyranny, criminality and failure" for failing to challenge Bush policies as they said they would in the election.

    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of the article.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 15:18 4 commentaires
    Libellés : Will They Also Say He's An Ass-Fucked Cocksucker?
    lundi 12 février 2007
    Demented George W. Bush Announces new Terror Alert System

    (Washington D.C. : UCS News) With the US congress set to vote on a resolution against the troop increase in Iraq, The President is concerned this action will only serve to embolden the terrorists. To help show just how dangerous democratic debate is the President announced the creation of the New Terrorist Emboldenment Meter.

    George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates regularly condemn critics of the Bush Administrations war policy as it only serves to "embolden the terrorists". The New Terrorist Boldness Meter lets the Bush administration explain the dangerous consequences of dissent. George W. Bush expects New Terrorist Emboldenment Meter will finally show just how important it is to quietly follow the lead of the President no matter how much you disagree.

    [Click on "commentaires" to read the rest of the article.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 21:46 2 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush Will Kill Us All If He Isn't Stopped Now
    Dick Cheney Blasts John Howard for al Qaeda-Obama remarks

    "That Bastard is stealing my lines!"
    "That Bastard is stealing my lines!"

    (Washington D.C.:Ucs News) US Vice President Dick Cheney lashed out at Australia's conservative prime minister John Howard today. Speaking from his secure and undisclosed location Cheney called Howard's remarks "disgusting propganda", "pure demagoguery", "an insult to voters intelligence" and "totally plagiarized from a speech I gave last week ".

    According to the Vice President it was his (Cheney's) office that first linked Democratic candidate Barack Obama to the terrorist Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. "This is the worse kind of political fear mongering and that dirty dog Howard from Australia is stealing my best material." said Cheney.

    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of the satire.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 21:29 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Dick Cheney Will Self-Explode and Crap Out
    vendredi 9 février 2007
    Alberto Gonzalez's coup d'etat

    The Constitution be damned, the attorney general has seized control of U.S. attorney appointments for partisan purposes.

    Feb. 9, 2007 | Under any circumstances, the Bush administration's sudden, explicitly political dismissal and replacement of United States attorneys in judicial districts across the country would be very troubling -- both as a violation of American law enforcement traditions and as a triumph of patronage over competence.

    But as the story behind these strange decisions unfolds, a familiar theme is emerging. Again, the White House and the Justice Department have been exposed in a secretive attempt to expand executive power for partisan purposes. And again, their scheming is tainted with a nasty whiff of authoritarianism.

    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of this araticle.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 17:23 1 commentaires
    Libellés : The Fascist Pig Fires Liberal Attorneys Across Nation
    mercredi 7 février 2007
    Chief counsel to committee that probed Nixon abuse of power wants similar Bush probe
    Staffers to onetime committee voice mixed opinions

    The chief counsel to the committee that investigated abuses of power by President Richard Nixon in the 1970s says he’d like to see asimilar inquiry into clandestine intelligence operations under President George W. Bush.

    Frederick A.O. Schwarz, who presently works as Senior Counsel at the New York University School of Law’s Brennan Center for Social Justice, served as chief counsel to the Church Committee from 1975-1976. The committee drew its name from Senator Frank Church (D-ID) (in photo), who led the massive probe into abuses of power by US intelligence agencies.

    When asked by in an interview last week about whether a deeper inquiry into the activities of the intelligence community akin to the work of the Church Committee would be appropriate, Schwarz said, “I think it’s a very good idea.”

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    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 15:24 0 commentaires
    Libellés : If You Won't Impeach Him, PROBE Him Already
    mardi 6 février 2007
    and distort the truth, namely about global warming but also about a host of other issues or "realities" or "scientific facts".

    Gore says Bush administration paying scientists to dispute global warming

    MADRID , SPAIN (CNN) -- Former Vice President Al Gore said in an interview on Tuesday the Bush administration is now paying scientists to dispute global warming since the administration can no longer argue against it.

    During an interview with CNN affiliate Cuatro in Madrid, Gore said, "they've lost the argument and they don't want to stop dumping all this pollution into the Earth's atmosphere. The only thing they have left is cash and now they're offering cash for so-called skeptics who will try to confuse people about what the science really say. But it's unethical because now the time has come when we have to act."

    Gore was the Democratic nominee against Bush in the 2004 presidential election. His film, An Inconvenient Truth is up for the best documentary Oscar.
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 20:00 0 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush Pays To Have Truth, Reality Distorted
    Bush library proposal highlights growing government secrecy

    A proposal to site the George W. Bush Presidential Library at Southern Methodist University in Texas has highlighted growing difficulties in obtaining documents from the government based on a Bush executive order issued quietly after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, RAW STORY can report.

    Government openness activists are using the library proposal to bring attention to increased official secrecy.

    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of the story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 13:00 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush Tries Hard To Hide His Crimes
    dimanche 4 février 2007
    Bush Wows to Cut Social Programs to Finance Wars

    President George W. Bush said on Saturday his upcoming budget proposal would emphasize restraint on domestic spending while making defense and war costs for
    Iraq and Afghanistan the top priority

    "Cutting the deficit during a time of war requires us to restrain spending in other areas," Bush said in his weekly radio address.

    Previewing the fiscal year 2008 budget he will unveil on Monday, Bush also said it would show that his goal of erasing the deficit by 2012 could be accomplished while making his tax cuts permanent.

    "Congress needs to make this tax relief permanent, so we can keep America's economy growing. Pro-growth economic policies also play a vital role in our plan to balance the federal budget," he said.

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    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 13:31 2 commentaires
    Libellés : Kill Bush Before He Kills You
    samedi 3 février 2007
    White House Pleased That Bush's Un-Approval Rating is Soaring
    WASHINGTON, D.C. — The nation's capital was abuzz this week on the heels of George W. Bush's latest historic achievement. Public opinion polls now show that the President's un-approval rating has soared beyond 70%. The President's high rating certainly benefited from his inspiring State of the Union address, according to White House aides, who were basking in the glow of the staggering numbers. An unusually giddy Tony Snow, the President's spokesman, told reporters: "The American people can see what this President/Warrior is trying to do. And they are responding. Big time." Snow went on to say, "The President's high un-approval rates can only be described as 'Nixonesque.' We are all very proud to serve this President."
    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of the story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 17:00 1 commentaires
    Libellés : The Demented U.S. Prez Will Kill Us All
    vendredi 2 février 2007
    Patriot Act and asshole!
    They will find a lot of stenching shit, to be sure !

    House Judiciary Committee will probe Bush torture, Patriot Act statements

    House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) will be investigating all of President Bush’s so-called signing statements to determine how drastically the president has misinterpreted laws passed by Congress.

    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of the story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 10:22 1 commentaires
    Libellés : A Bush Ass-Probe Is In The Works
    jeudi 1 février 2007
    Thank goodness there are some leading politicians and world leaders who dare to tell the truth and stand up to "our" monstrous presidents and prime ministers! Bush should indeed be arrested, tried and sent to jail for the rest of his life!

    Chavez slams Bush on Iraq

    CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez dismissed Washington's concerns that Venezuela's democracy is under threat, saying a "dictatorship" led by
    President Bush poses a true threat to democracy around the world.

    Condemning the war in Iraq, the Venezuelan leader said that Bush and John Negroponte, a former director of national intelligence who is designated for the No. 2 position in the State Department, should be tried for "war crimes" committed by the U.S. military across the globe.

    "The two of them are criminals. They should be tried and thrown in prison for the rest of their days," Chavez told a news conference.

    "If he had any dignity, the president of the United States would quit. The U.S. president doesn't have the political or moral capacity to govern," he added.

    Chavez was responding to comments made on Wednesday by Bush, who said he was concerned about Venezuela's democracy.

    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of the story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 20:08 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush must be arrested, tried and sent to jail
    mercredi 31 janvier 2007
    German Court Orders Arrests in Renditions
    January 31, 2007 · A German court issues arrest warrants for 13 people who are believed to be CIA agents or contract employees. Those named were allegedly involved in kidnapping a German citizen three years ago and taking him against his will to Afghanistan for questioning.

    It's the second case confronting the CIA's practice of extraordinary rendition to have reached this level in Europe. A judge in Italy is considering whether to indict 26 Americans accused of kidnapping an Egyptian cleric.

    [Click on "commentaires" to read the rest of the story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 20:39 0 commentaires
    Libellés : U.S. Allies Capture Bush's Vicious Torturing Spies
    mardi 30 janvier 2007
    from hunger and global warming!

    WASHINGTON (AP) - The Democratic chairman of a House panel examining the government's response to climate change said Tuesday there is evidence that senior Bush administration officials sought repeatedly "to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming."

    Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., said he and the top Republican on his oversight committee, Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia, have sought documents from the administration on climate policy, but repeatedly been rebuffed.

    "The committee isn't trying to obtain state secrets or documents that could affect our immediate national security," said Waxman, opening the hearing. "We are simply seeking answers to whether the White House's political staff is inappropriately censoring impartial government scientists."

    "We know that the White House possesses documents that contain evidence of an attempt by senior administration officials to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming and minimize the potential danger," Waxman said.

    Administration officials were not scheduled to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In the past the White House has said it has only sought to inject balance into reports on climate change. Present Bush has acknowledged concerns about global warming, but strongly opposes mandatory caps of greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that approach would be too costly.

    [Click on "commentaires" to read the rest of the story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 20:48 0 commentaires
    NY Times: Bush signs landmark executive order increasing power over federal agencies
    President George W. Bush has given his administration a boost in how the government regulates key issues such as civil rights and the environment, The New York Times will report on its Tuesday front page. The President "signed a directive that gives the White House much greater control over the rules that the federal government develops to regulate public health, safety," privacy and other issues, writes Robert Pear for the Times. Pear reports that "in an executive order published last week in the Federal Register, Bush said that each federal agency must have a regulatory policy office run by a political appointee" who will monitor the creation of process and procedures and the associated documentation. "The White House will thus have a gatekeeper in each agency," Pear writes, "to analyze the costs and benefits of new rules and to make sure they carry out the president's priorities." [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of this story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 12:18 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush Strips, Signs His Emperor-Making Papers
    lundi 29 janvier 2007
    and kicks his shitty, incontinent asshole.
    Greed, money-making and profiteering supercede patriotism and presidential loyalty in the most despicable democratic system in the world.

    Shell defies US pressure and signs £5bn Iranian gas deal

    Shell has signed an important deal to help Iran develop a major gas field, ignoring growing pressure from George Bush to isolate the country for being part of what he alleges is an "axis of evil".

    The Anglo-Dutch group, which is struggling to bring more momentum to its business after being forced to hand over vital Russian reserves at Sakhalin island to the Kremlin, confirmed it had finally reached agreement on various aspects of its "Persian LNG" - liquefied natural gas - project centred on the South Pars gas field.

    [Click on "commentaires" below to read the rest of this story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 21:06 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Big Money, Bush Meets Greed, Profiteering
    dimanche 28 janvier 2007
    KHARTOUM (AFP) - Sudan's two main television stations went off the air for three minutes in solidarity with Sami al-Haj, a Sudanese cameraman detained since 2002 at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay.
    Sami al-Haj of the Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera was arrested by the Pakistani army on the Afghan border in December 2001 and has been held without charge at Guantanamo Bay on Cuba since 2002.

    At exactly 10:00 pm (1900 GMT), the time of the main news bulletin, more than 2,000 staff of Sudan's state satellite television and semi-official Blue Nile TV as well as Omdurman Radio stopped work as they stopped broadcasting.

    After the break in transmission, an announcer read out a statement.

    [Click on "commentaires" below for the rest of this story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 20:46 2 commentaires
    samedi 27 janvier 2007
    Al-Maliki's State of Duress Address

    Thank you, thank you, Mohammed. I appreciate that you’re the only one who showed up tonight, but I realize most of your Parliament colleagues are hiding under their beds, or living large abroad – while still collecting their government salary.

    First, I’d like to congratulate our new lady Speaker, who’s also AWOL. I wouldn’t know her anyway, since she’s always wearing that veil.

    Well, I’m pleased to report that the State of Disunion is … strong!

    Killings are up 200%, kidnappings up 300%, and production of IEDS in the last quarter is at an all-time high. Sectarian violence would have been even greater if our citizens had the use of electric lights and power drills for more than 3 hours a day.

    And my agenda — The Old Way Backwards – promises to continue these trends.

    First, I propose massive tax cuts for the richest 1% of Shia. For Shia, or Sunnis, who can’t afford to see a doctor after they lose a limb in a car bombing, we propose health savings accounts that will be looted by militias disguised as police officers.

    Since we place a high value on life, we continue to oppose embryonic stem cell research, particularly since we have plenty of organs and spare body parts available from people massacred in the streets.

    [Click on "commentaires" for the rest of this satire.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 20:32 1 commentaires
    Newsweek: Rove could testify in Libby case as subpoenas delivered

    President Bush's top political consultant, Karl Rove, could testify in the much-publicized trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Michael Isikoff reports in a Newsweek web exclusive.

    "White House anxiety is mounting over the prospect that top officials--including deputy chief of staff Karl Rove and counselor Dan Bartlett--may be forced to provide potentially awkward testimony in the perjury and obstruction trial" of Libby, writes Isikoff.

    Rove and Bartlett have both already received subpoenas from defense lawyers for Libby, Isikoff quotes lawyers related to the case as saying.

    The article states that while it's not guaranteed that Rove and Bartlett will be called, chances rose this week after Libby's lawyer "laid out a defense resting on the idea that his client ... had been made a 'scapegoat' to protect Rove."

    Isikoff adds, again quoting, that the Vice President is "expected to provide the most crucial testimony" to back up the assertions made by Libby's lawyer.

    RAW STORY earlier reported on a New York Times article that suggested Libby's "scapegoat" defense "may not be supportable by any evidence."

    [Click on "commentaires" below for the rest of this story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 11:24 1 commentaires
    Libellés : gay-bashing cocksuckers, Two dangerous
    vendredi 26 janvier 2007
    Canadian government apologizes to U.S. torture victim

    Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will give a formal apology to Maher Arar, the Canadian software engineer whom the United States detained and extradited to Syria, where he was brutally tortured.

    The announcement, which appears to be a public rebuke of the official U.S. position that Arar may be a terrorist according to Harper's office. Arar will hold a separate news confencence he was satisfied with the financial compensation but appreciated the government's apology much more greatly.

    Arar's case has caused a deepening rift between Canada and the United States, which has to date refused to apologize for their treatment of Arar and will not remove him from its terrorist watch list. Yesterday, the National Post reported that the U.S. ambassador to Canada "scolded" a top Canadian offical for insisting Arar's name be removed from the U.S. watch list.

    Bush Administration officials have delivered secret briefings to the Canadian government in the hopes of justifying Arar's presence on the watch list, but Canada continues to press the U.S. to clear Arar. "It simply does not alter our opinion that Mr. Arar is not a threat, nor is his family," Canadian Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day said.
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 18:00 2 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush Is A Cheap Torturing Bastard

    Iraq invision was an 'idiot decision'

    The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an "idiot decision," Iraqi Vice-President Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Thursday, according to a Reuters article.

    "Iraq was put under occupation, which was an idiot decision," Mahdi told the World Economic Forum in Davos.

    Mahdi told the forum that "the Iraqi government planned to bring troops in to Baghdad from surrounding areas and said it was 'a technical question' for the United States to decide whether to deploy more soldiers."

    "If we can win this war in Baghdad then I think we can change the course of events," he remarked."As Iraqis, we think we need more (Iraqi) troops in Baghdad, and we are calling for some regiments to come from other parts of the country."

    "Mahdi's party, the powerful Shi'ite Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, was one of the exiled opposition parties consulted by Washington as it planned the invasion," Reuters notes.
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 15:04 0 commentaires
    jeudi 25 janvier 2007

    NEW YORK - The nation's first and largest non-partisan organization representing veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, IAVA, released the following statement from Executive Director Paul Rieckhoff in response to the President's State of the Union address:

    "Tonight President Bush once again failed to demonstrate a real commitment to the 1.6 million new American veterans who have been created under his watch," said Paul Rieckhoff, an Iraq War Veteran and the executive director of IAVA ( "For the second year in a row, the President in his State of the Union address chose to mention the troops only as a prop for his failing policies and ignored the nation's new veterans entirely."

    [Click on "commentaires" below for the rest of this story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 20:12 2 commentaires

    This dramatic footage of mostly Shi'a Iraqi soldiers delivering a "brutal beating" to several local Sunnis has been obtained by a British public-service television station.

    US soldiers, assigned to train the Iraqi troops, look on as the Iraqi soldiers push the beaten men into the rear compartment of an armored vehicle.

    "It is a shocking insight into the sectarian violence that is tearing Baghdad apart," Jonathan Miller reports for Channel Four. "Two journalists - embedded with the First Cavalry division - witnessed suspected insurgents being viciously beaten and abused."

    According to Channel Four, American troops then threatened the journalists and held them under armed guard, while attempting to "seize their footage."

    "US Army commander Lieutenant Colonel Dale C Kuehl told Channel 4 News he had taken administrative action to include suspending the platoon sergeant".

    [Click on "commentaires" below for the rest of this story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 17:20 0 commentaires
    mercredi 24 janvier 2007

    WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrats took the first step toward a wartime repudiation of President Bush on Wednesday, convening a Senate committee to endorse legislation declaring that the deployment of additional troops to Iraq is "not in the national interest." "We better be damn sure we know what we're doing, all of us, before we put 22,000 more Americans into that grinder," said Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, the only Republican on the committee to announce support for the measure. Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., the panel's chairman, said the legislation is "not an attempt to embarrass the president. ... It's an attempt to save the president from making a significant mistake with regard to our policy in Iraq." Less than one month after taking control of Congress, there was little doubt Democrats had the votes to prevail. They hold 11 seats on the committee, to 10 for Republicans.

    [Click on "ommentaires" below for the rest of this story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 16:21 1 commentaires
    mardi 23 janvier 2007

    Hours before his State of the Union address, Bush's approval rate drops to a low of 28 percent as King George is determined to ignore everyone and everything around him and drive himself into the ground.

    On the day of his State of the Union speech, President Bush's approval rating has dropped to a new low of twenty-eight percent, and sixty-four percent "disapprove of the way he's handling his job," according to CBS News.

    "Two-thirds of Americans remain opposed to the president's plan for sending more than 20,000 additional U.S. troops to Iraq — roughly the same number as after Mr. Bush announced the plan," CBS News reports. "And 72 percent believe he should seek congressional approval for the troop increase".
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 12:24 0 commentaires
    lundi 22 janvier 2007

    Al-Qaida No.2 Moks Bush

    CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida's deputy leader mocked
    President Bush's plan to send 21,000 more troops to
    Iraq, challenging him to send "the entire army," according to a new al-Qaida videotape released Monday by a U.S. group that tracks terror messages.

    Excerpts from the video were distributed by the Washington-based SITE Institute, which said it had intercepted the footage of Ayman al-Zawahri. The tape had not yet been posted on Islamic militant Web sites, where his messages are usually placed.

    Al-Zawahri said the U.S. strategy for Iraq, outlined by Bush in a Jan. 9 speech, was doomed to fail.

    [Click on "commentaires" for the rest of this story.]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 23:31 1 commentaires
    dimanche 21 janvier 2007

    CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez told U.S. officials to "Go to hell!" on his weekly radio and TV show Sunday for what he called unacceptable meddling after Washington raised concerns about a measure to grant Venezuela's fiery leftist leader broad lawmaking powers.

    The National Assembly, which is controlled by the president's political allies, is expected to give final approval this week to what it calls the "enabling law," which would give Chavez the authority to pass a series of laws by decree during an 18-month period.

    On Friday, U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey said Chavez's plans under the law "have caused us some concern."

    Chavez rejected Casey's statement in his broadcast, saying: "Go to hell, gringos! Go home!"
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 21:31 0 commentaires

    Bush to announce Exit Strategy from Reality
    Plans Complete Withdrawal from His Senses by Year End

    President George W. Bush has been working around the clock to put the finishing touches on a speech to the American people in which he will announce a comprehensive exit strategy from reality, White House aides confirmed today.

    When reports emerged that the president was considering deploying an additional “surge” of troops in Iraq against the advice of military experts and overwhelming public sentiment, many in Washington suspected that the move was part of a larger plan to withdraw from reality entirely.

    But not until spokesperson Tony Snow addressed reporters today did the White House officially confirm that the president was about to announce an exit strategy from the land of rational thought.

    “The president never intended to occupy the world of reality indefinitely,” Mr. Snow told reporters. “He is planning a new way forward, and that way forward is a one-way ticket to fantasyland.”

    Moments after Mr. Snow announced Mr. Bush’s plan to unveil an exit strategy from reality, members of the press corps started peppering him with questions about a deadline by which the president will have totally taken leave of his senses.

    The White House spokesperson said that the president refused to set a formal timetable for his withdrawal from reality, but added that it was realistic assume that Mr. Bush’s exit from the real world would be complete by year’s end: “It helps that he’s ninety percent of the way there already".
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 18:09 0 commentaires

    President Bush Issues 2007 New Year’s Resolutions
    Vows to Invite Hugo Chavez to Lunch at Taco Bell

    In an unprecedented televised address to the nation last night, President George W. Bush announced a list of his New Year’s resolutions for 2007, telling the American people, “I am a big believer in abiding by resolutions, as long as they don’t come from the United Nations.”

    The following is a list of the president’s New Year’s resolutions:

    “I resolve to pay close attention to the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group’s report, as soon as it comes out on a books-on-tape version.

    “I resolve to make sure that by the end of 2007, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gets to spend more time with his family.

    “I resolve to tell John Kerry that I thought his joke was hilarious and he should keep ’em coming.

    “I resolve to learn how to use the Internets, especially the Google.

    “I resolve to invite Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to a peacemaking lunch at Taco Bell.

    “I resolve to organize a hunting trip for Dick Cheney and Nancy Pelosi.

    “I resolve to expand the search for Osama bin Laden to include MySpace.

    “I resolve to clear all of the brush at my Crawford ranch, except for that patch I use to hide from Cindy Sheehan.

    “I resolve to continue my opposition to gay parents, unless one of them is named Cheney.

    “I resolve to improve relations with Latin America by building a 700-foot fence around Barb and Jen.

    “And finally, my fellow Americans, I resolve to announce an exit strategy, in which I will withdraw all of our troops from Iraq – through Iran.”
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 17:27 0 commentaires
    Good morning. I'm Brian Schweitzer, the Governor of Montana, the Big Sky Country.

    On Tuesday, President Bush will deliver his annual State of the Union Address. He is expected to talk about the war in Iraq and the need for our country to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. I wanted to share some of my thoughts about these topics, which are very important to all Americans.

    Along with many people across the country, I have serious concerns about the President's plan to increase U.S. troop levels in Iraq. His plan is just more of the same.

    I lived and worked in the Middle East for six years, Salam Alaikum to those who speak Arabic. There, I spent time with many Muslim families and like our families in the United States they want opportunities, freedom to work and live as they choose and the ability to make their country a better place for future generations.

    Mr. President there are animosities between Sunni and Shiite people in the Middle East that have developed over centuries. Outsiders can not resolve this conflict unless the Iraqi people want security and freedom as least as much as us.

    The American people expect, and our troops and military families deserve, a real plan for success in Iraq that includes political solutions as well as military action.

    Mr. President I heard you say that you want to embed American troops with the Iraqi army in Baghdad. Please, don't embed our men and women within Baghdad beside untested and potentially corrupt members of the Iraqi military.

    We could not be prouder of our men and women in uniform for the role that they play in protecting Americans at home and abroad. No one has sacrificed more than the military families at home who have a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Democratic Governors were helping to reduce our dependence on foreign oil long before President Bush discovered our oil addiction just last year in his last State of the Union Address.

    [continued under "commentaires" below]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 14:52 1 commentaires
    samedi 20 janvier 2007
    -50% of polled Americans say they want a Democratic president in the White House in 2008..
    +50% of polled Americans say Bush is dishonest and immoral even if they don't know about his male prostitute Jeff Gannon pictured here stark naked, showing off his uncovered, uncut 8-inch cock..
    +66% of polled Americans are against Bush's "surge" in Iraq and 86% against the "surge" in his pants!

    A new poll shows that nearly half of the American public would prefer a Democrat to be elected president in 2008, and over two-thirds are against President Bush's "surge" strategy.

    "When President George W. Bush declared earlier this month that the only way to quell sectarian violence in Iraq was to send more than 20,000 additional American troops, he probably knew the move would be unpopular," Brian Braiker writes for Newsweek. "Indeed, the latest NEWSWEEK poll finds that Bush’s call for a 'surge' in troops is opposed by two-thirds (68 percent) of Americans and supported by only a quarter (26 percent)."

    "Almost half of all respondents (46 percent) want to see American troops pulled out 'as soon as possible,'" the article continues.

    The poll also adds that when asked about Bush, "more than half of the public thinks he is not 'honest and ethical' (54 percent) and lacks 'strong leadership qualities' (57 percent)."

    Excerpts from Newsweek
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 17:35 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush's top male prostitute who got free passes to the White House to fuck Bush up the ass., This is Jeff Gannon

    This poll shows that Europeans Don't Like Bush
    By Jeralyn, Section Foreign Affairs
    Posted on Wed Dec. 21, 2006 at 07:09:22 PM EST

    Bump and Update: Just in from Newsweek: A new poll shows that Europeans really, really hate Bush.

    A Harris Interactive/Financial Times survey released Monday found that 56 percent of Europeans view the United States as the world's greatest threat to "global stability." By comparison, 20 percent of those polled named Iran as the biggest threat, while 8 percent named China.

    In Austria, that unpopularity is particularly acute: a recent poll by the Vienna-based News magazine found that 92 percent of those surveyed found Bush to be unlikable and a danger to world peace.

    Shorter version: Bush can't escape his unpopularity by prancing away to Europe.
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 13:00 0 commentaires
    vendredi 19 janvier 2007
    Sunday, January 21, 2007

    22 US Troops Announced Killed
    29 Bodies Found in Baghdad

    Reuters reports that police found 29 bodies in Baghdad on Saturday and 5 more in the northern city of Mosul.

    There was other major violence, with bombings, mortar attacks and assassinations in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Mosul and elsewhere.

    A suicide bomber attempted to get a car full of explosives into the Green Zone where US diplomatic and Iraqi government offices are located.

    AP reports that the killings of 22 US troops were announced on Saturday. Thirteen died in a helicopter crash in Diyala Province that may or may not have been a shoot-down. Diyala is the scene of a great deal of political violence and guerrilla activity. Militiamen at the Shiite holy city of Karbala south of the capital killed another 5. Guerrillas killed two more on Saturday, one in Baghdad and one in Mosul. Another two were announced killed on Friday, one in Mosul and another in al-Anbar province.

    The killing of US troops in Shiite Najaf and Karbala has been a rare event since hostilities ending in late August 2004 between the American military and the Mahdi Army of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. The resurgence of lethal hostility in this Shiite area almost certainly has to do with the ongoing US crackdown on the Sadr Movement.

    Shiite militiamen also killed a British soldier with a roadside bomb.

    68 percent of Americans oppose Bush's escalation of the Iraq War.

    John Edwards called on Congress to oppose the "troop surge."

    The current draft of the proposed Iraqi petroleum bill vests decisions in the central government, as the Sunni Arabs had wanted. The Kurds had argued for a more decentralized system.

    Qatar-based Sunni preacher Yusuf al-Qaradawi called on Iran to cease trying to "Shiitize" the region and accused it of playing an unhelpful role in Iraq. Al-Qaradawi was for a long time party of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

    Tom Engelhardt discusses the US war on Islam. It is well worth reading.
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 17:32 0 commentaires
    Libellés : A Strikingly Well Built, Eendowed Pacifist

    800,000 Privileged Youths Enlist To Fight In Iraq
    'We've Been So Selfish'

    WASHINGTON, DC—Citing a desire to finally make a difference in Iraq, in the past two weeks, more than 800,000 young people from upper-middle- and upper-class families have put aside their education, careers, and physical well-being to enlist in the military, new data from the Department Of Defense shows.
    Enlarge Image Privileged Youth

    Young Manhattanites line up outside the Times Square recruitment office.

    "I don't know if it was the safety and comfort of the holidays or what, but I realized that my affluence and ease of living comes at a cost," said Private Jonathan Grace, 18, who was to commence studies at Dartmouth College next fall, but will instead attend 12 weeks of basic training before being deployed to Fallujah with the 1st Army Battalion. "I just looked at my parents in their cashmere sweaters and thought, 'Who am I to go to an elite liberal arts college and spend all my time reading while, in the real world, thousands of kids my age are sacrificing their lives for our country?' It's not right."
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 16:06 0 commentaires
    jeudi 18 janvier 2007

    WASHINGTON, DC—Almost a year after the cessation of major combat and a month after the nation's first free democratic elections, President Bush unveiled the coalition forces' strategy for exiting Iraq.

    Bush announces the pullout of Iraq through Iran.

    "I'm pleased to announce that the Department of Defense and I have formulated a plan for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq," Bush announced Monday morning. "We'll just go through Iran."

    Bush said the U.S. Army, which deposed Iran's longtime enemy Saddam Hussein, should be welcomed with open arms by the Islamic-fundamentalist state.

    "And Iran's so nearby," Bush said. "It's only a hop, skip, and a jump to the east."
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 18:32 0 commentaires

    Bush Offers to Re-hang Saddam

    ‘We’ll Get It Right This Time,’ President Promises

    At a press briefing at the White House today, President George W. Bush said that he was “sensitive” to the global outcry over the manner in which former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was hanged and would attempt to make amends by hanging Mr. Hussein for a second time.

    “I have heard the criticism of Saddam’s hanging loud and clear,” Mr. Bush said. “We are fully prepared to re-hang Saddam Hussein, and we will get it right this time.”

    [continued in "commentaires" below]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 15:23 1 commentaires

    Monday, January 1, 2007

    In a joint press conference in Hell today, recently deceased dictators Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Augusto Pinochet of Chile blasted what they called “intolerable overcrowding” in Satan’s kingdom, complaining that the two of them had been forced to become roommates for eternity.

    The year-end death-spurt among evil dictators had many Hell-watchers wondering how Satan would accommodate the sudden influx of international pariahs, especially since both Saddam and Pinochet had reportedly sold their souls to the devil decades ago in the hopes of securing Hell’s coveted presidential suite.

    But as a result of dying just weeks apart in the last month of 2006, the two madmen arrived in the underworld only to be informed that they would have to bunk down with each other forever.

    [continued in "commentaires"]
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 13:34 1 commentaires
    mercredi 17 janvier 2007

    and get rid of his protectors like the FBI.
    The above picture gives you a clue as to the methods used in the past to do away with undesirables.
    That is the essay I am asking all interested people to write on my blog.
    I thank you in advance and assure you the evil Bush neo-cons will not harm or bother you for participating in this urgent and imperative exercise.
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 00:00 0 commentaires
    mardi 16 janvier 2007
    Bush is a dangerous, megalomaniac, despotic idiot who is trying to run and ruin the world.
    He is worse than both Nero and Htiler combined!
    He should be shot on site by any man or woman of good-will who cares for the fate of our common humanity.

    If the FBI and its subservient RCMP think they can "get" me for wishing Bush's death, they can think again and just forget about me: I've been visited already by their Canadian counterparts and told them what I thought about the FBI agents: they can go fuck themselves because I'm not scared of them. On the contrary, I am willing to face them in court at tamy fucking time to have them condemned outright for their evil, illegal and terrorist activities!
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 23:19 1 commentaires
    While Geoerge Bush was prancing around like the male cheerleader his was during his college days and threatening the world, challinging it to "bring it on" like a macho Texas cowboy, Osama bin Laden was already fucking his sad, sorry, fudge-packed ass!
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 15:16 2 commentaires
    While Bush lied in bed, stark naked, waiting for some men to fudge-pack him, preferably male whores with 8-inchers, thousands died as they were killed and millions wounded or disrupted in some way.
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 15:12 1 commentaires
    Worse, he is a closet homosexual who, like or incited by his special adviser Karl Rove, gay-bashes during the day and indulges in satanic, homoerotic rituals in the evening, often with other world leaders and/or with local Washington male prostitutes.
    He is the scummiest and most indecent, dishonest and diabolical person on the face of this earth!
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 14:55 1 commentaires
    Libellés : Bush Should Really Be At The Bottom Of The Pile

    President George W. Bush is a deranged, demented madman who must be stopped at all costs.
    If he is not, he is liable to destroy the entire world, you and me included.
    So please do all you can to stop this megalomaniac idiot before it's too late for all of us!
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 14:39 2 commentaires

    Bush is now a wanted man around the globe.
    He is wanted, dead or alive, for war crimes and crimes against nature and humanity.
    Those knowing of his whereabouts are urged to call the nearest law-enforcement office for his immediate arrest. He will no longer be impeached but indicted, prosecuted and sentenced to a fate similar to that of Saddam Hussein and his accompmlices.
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 14:30 0 commentaires
    lundi 15 janvier 2007
    Aren't the American neo-cons exporting barbaric values, ways and systems that could some day be turned and used against them?
    Can we not envisage the general public being so fed up with them that they will start hanging, lynching and decapitating them in the public squares of large and small cities alike?
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 15:13 0 commentaires
    mardi 9 janvier 2007
    What message are Bush and his gang of violent morons sending exactly to the rest of the world? That revenge lynching is alright if it is used against a left-wing, minority despote? Why are or were right-wing tyrants not arrested and hanged the likes of Pinochet, Stroessner, Mugabe, Bota, Suharto, Marcos and so on?
    Is that the neo-con American way that they are spreading around the earth?
    Is that their idea of freedom and democracy?
    Publié par Yvon Thivierge à l'adresse 13:11 2 commentaires
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    From Abramoff w/ Cheney's Protection
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    A country that allows a monster to to take over the Whore House twice in a row has got to be fucked up and on its way to disintegration. No other so-called democracy in the world has ever stooped so low as to allow one demented tyranical moron to act as if he were a king or emperor, usurping both the legislative and judicial powers to enhance and expand his own executive authority and superiority. While totalitarian regimes around the world welcome this American development and use it to their own dictatorial avantage and interest, democracies decry and denounce the U.S. rogue regime as dangerous and in need of termination.
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    Monday, June 8, 2009

    The Revolution will not be Barack Obama !

    The Revolution will not be Barack Obama | Anarchist news dot org
    The Revolution will not be Barack Obama
    Submitted by worker on Fri, 2008-04-04 13:41.

    * Opinion
    * Politics of the State
    * The Left

    From Infoshop - By bigg

    Barack Obama is a figment of your imagination. Okay, I’m pretty sure he really exists, but the point is this: the messiah, the progressive dream candidate who is going to magically save the United States and return us to the good old days of being a benevolent, peace-loving world power— wait, was this before or after Vietnam? Before or after Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Before or after the war with the Philippines? The war with Mexico? Slavery? The Indigenous Genocide? Anyway, that’s not the point— Barack Obama is not who you imagine him to be.

    Let this in no way be mistaken for an endorsement for Hilary “the Hawk” Clinton or John McCain— a man who actually found it funny to sing about bombing Iran, a bombing would result in the deaths of untold innocent children, women and men— nor is it an endorsement of any third party candidates: green, socialist or otherwise. This is simply an honest talk about Barack Obama.
    [A real revolutionary dies young]

    Americans of all stripes are lining up behind the myth that is Barack Obama. Why is this? Well, he represents “change”, he gives us “hope”, oooh, and he talks so well. That me be good and fine in so far as running a campaign, but what does this man really represent? Okay, you say he represents “change”, but what changes will he make?

    As an anarchist (and, I hope all anarchists reading this will agree) I would never support a candidate and I think as such all anarchists are in a unique position to view this Obama cult worship as exactly that— a cult, a fiction, a nice little story to fit in your ballot box.

    Okay, the guy is black— okay, half-black, but hey, in our country one drop counts!— but does that mean he will magically make the United States a better place for all African-Americans? For all minorities? For that matter would having Hillary Clinton in the White House mean sexism will magically cease to exist? Were that the case I would gladly vote for the dynamic duo of Obama/Clinton in ’08 and sit proudly (idly by) as our new masters were sworn in and racism and sexism became something of the past. But having a black man in office will not change the facts of racism, much as a woman in office will not rid us of sexism. I’m Irish (and Italian) and I am pretty sure that having John F. Kennedy elected did little to change the status of the Irish (or Catholics as a whole) in the United States. He did get shot, though (fuck me— imagine the cult of Obama post-assassination, I shudder at the thought).

    Time to get real. Barack Obama isn’t going to help realize my dreams of a world without hierarchy, coercion or capitalism (duh) but, will he accomplish the dreams of even a liberal democrat? No, no he will not. Why? (1) Because he has consistently voted in favor of continuing the war in Iraq, (2) Because he is not going to repeal NAFTA or other free trade agreements, strip corporations of their powers or give any real leverage to the American working class, (3) Because he is obviously unwilling to address real discrimination based on race (or gender, or class, or sexual orientation), (4) Because he will not grant consenting adults the right to marry, (5) Because he consistently resorts to taking hard-line stances against Iran, (6) Because he will not address the fact that car culture (fuck it, industrial capitalism as a whole) is destroying our landbase and forcing us to wage wars against sovereign nations, (7) Because he will not seriously alter the prison-industrial complex or declare an end to the war on drugs (i.e. a war on communities he claims to represent), (8) Because he will not end government funding of the military-industrial complex (i.e. the war on brown people world-wide), (9) Because he voted in favor of reauthorizing the Patriot Act, (10) Because he will not end the Green Scare, the war on “eco-terrorists” (i.e. the only sane people left in this country) nor will he end his support of the real terrorists (read: corporations) destroying what little remains of the natural world here in the United States.

    I could go on, but by now you’re probably bored (I know I am) and you probably get the point. Barack Obama does not represent change. He represents the standard quo. No, he isn’t George Bush, but he is part of the same machine, and you know what? They need one another. Because without the labels Republican and Democrat, what do we have? Just a bunch of candidates fighting to be the spokesperson for the only political party America has ever known: the Capitalist Party.

    Buy Outfoxed dvd! Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism - Fox Attacks Special Edition: Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Al Franken, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, David Brock, Eric Alterman, Wally Bowen, Jeff Chester, Jeff Cohen, Mark Cooper, Malkia Cyril, John Dunbar, Clara Frenk, David Goodfriend, Peter Hart, Mark Crispin Miller, Gene Kimmelman, John Nichols, Chellie Pingree, Robert Greenwald: Movies & TV


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    Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism - Fox Attacks Special Edition (2004)
    Starring: Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes Director: Robert Greenwald Rating: NR (Not Rated) Format: DVD
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    Product Details

    * Actors: Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Al Franken, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity
    * Directors: Robert Greenwald
    * Format: Color, DVD-Video, NTSC
    * Language: English
    * Region: All Regions
    * Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
    * Number of discs: 1
    * Rating: NR (Not Rated)
    * Studio: The Disinformation Company
    * DVD Release Date: July 29, 2008
    * Run Time: 137 minutes
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    * ASIN: B0017LIDVO
    * Sales Rank: #29,945 in Movies & TV (See Bestsellers in Movies & TV)

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    Editorial Reviews
    About the Director
    Robert Greenwald is the leading director of issue oriented documentary films, including Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War, The Real McCain, and Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers.

    Product Description
    The genre-busting documentary hit that started the flood of issue-oriented documentaries is back, just in time for another crazed season of political news coverage in the build up to the 2008 presidential election. The original film is just as relevant and necessary today as it was in 2004, supplemented by over an hour of additional material, including the infamous Fox Attacks, a series of 18 short videos that continues the work started in Outfoxed, highlighting examples of Fox's biased, dishonest journalism. The videos were created to support campaigns, petitions, and legislation.

    Each Fox Attacks short is supplemented by illuminating commentary exclusive to this DVD from Robert Greenwald and the producers of the films.

    Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a race to the bottom in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.

    OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

    OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
    Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know. Read on »

    The FOX Attacks! Edition DVD also includes the wildly successful FOX Attacks viral video series which continues to expose FOX News.

    A message from Producer/Director Robert Greenwald, some press on Outfoxed, and a few letters we've received.

    Our special video birthday wishes to FNC on its 10th birthday.

    Bill O'Reilly lied about Outfoxed on Tim Russert's show. Here's our video response.

    Rupert Murdoch is interviewed about Outfoxed in Doonesbury!

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    Make your own movie: The Outfoxed interviews are available under a Creative Commons license allowing anyone to sample them freely in their own works. Even Fox News. Read on »

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    The latest FNC distortions updated 24/7 by the News Hounds:

    06/08: Fox Nation Racism Aimed At Michelle Obama by Priscilla
    06/08: Does Bill O’Reilly Hate Women? by Priscilla
    06/08: Fox Nation Suggests Holder Wants Illegal Immigrants To Vote by Ellen

    Sunday, June 7, 2009

    Peace activist Cindy Sheehan protests at McCain's office !!! : Peace activist Cindy Sheehan protests at McCain's office
    June 7th, 2009 10:19 am
    Peace activist Cindy Sheehan protests at McCain's office

    By Javier Soto / 3TV

    PHOENIX -- Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, who has been protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for years, was at the Phoenix office of Sen. John McCain Friday morning.

    Sheehan and other protesters are opposed to Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal being confirmed to lead U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan and want McCain to vote against the confirmation.

    When McChrystal appeared before a Senate Armed Services Committee, which McCain is part of, the protesters didn't feel he was scrutinized, especially regarding the case of former Arizona Cardinals player Pat Tillman.

    Despite knowing that Tillman was killed by friendly fire in 2004, McChrystal still awarded him the Silver Star.

    "I thought General McChrystal got essentially an easy pass," Sheehan said of the confirmation hearing.

    "Senator McCain was in the hearing and we feel he asked soft-ball questions," another protester said.

    McCain is in Washington, D.C., and could not respond, but in the past he has said he supports McChrystal's confirmation.

    However, the Tillman family does not

    Protesting Crimes Against Humanity in Dallas

    Demonstration Protesting Crimes Against Humanity | Dallas Peace Center
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    Demonstration Protesting Crimes Against Humanity
    Submitted by admin on May 26, 2009 - 2:00pm.
    Start: Jun 8 2009 - 4:30pm

    Cindy Sheehan will come to Dallas to protest crimes against humanity that occured during the Bush administration. According to Sheehan, “The actions of his administration are criminal and we need to keep up the pressure for accountability.” To support Sheehan’s effort, meet on the SW corner of Preston & Royal to join a march on the sidewalk west on Royal, south on Netherland, east on Meaders to the front of John J. Pershing Elementary School, across from Daria Dr. which leads to Bush’s gated compound. No major streets will be crossed. Participants are asked to stay on message – the American people will not tolerate torture in our name, and those who have betrayed our trust must be held legally accountable.

    SW corner of Preston & Royal
    Dallas, TX
    United States

    See map: Yahoo! Maps

    Wednesday, June 3, 2009

    Health Insurance Company Profits in 2007

    Obama, Senate Dems Consider Public Health Care Option With A Trigger

    1. UnitedHealth Group -- $ 4.654 BILLION. UnitedHealth Group owns Oxford, PacifiCare, IBA, AmeriChoice, Evercare, Ovations, MAMSI and Ingenix, a healthcare data company

    2. WellPoint -- $ 3.345 BILLION. Wellpoint owns BLUES across the US, including Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin, Empire HealthChoice Assurance, Healthy Alliance, and many others

    3. Aetna Inc. -- $ 1.831 BILLION

    4. CIGNA Corp -- $ 1.115 BILLION


    ANNUAL COMPENSATION (2006/2007 figures):

    Ronald A. Williams, Chair/ CEO, Aetna Inc., $23,045,834
    H. Edward Hanway, Chair/ CEO, Cigna Corp, $30.16 million
    David B. Snow, Jr, Chair/ CEO, Medco Health, $21.76 million
    Michael B. MCallister, CEO, Humana Inc, $20.06 million
    Stephen J. Hemsley, CEO, UnitedHealth Group, $13,164,529
    Dale B. Wolf, CEO, Coventry Health Care, $20.86 million
    Jay M. Gellert, President/ CEO, Health Net, $16.65 million

    Tuesday, June 2, 2009

    This Is Change? 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House

    This Is Change? 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House | | AlterNet
    This Is Change? 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House

    By Jeremy Scahill, AlterNet. Posted November 20, 2008.

    A who's who guide to the people poised to shape Obama's foreign policy.
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    Carbon Capture Can't Make Coal Clean. Period.

    WE Energies has proclaimed that it has captured carbon at a coal-fired plant, but this "success" won't come close to making coal clean.
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    Will Your Facebook Profile Become Your New ID?

    You heard it here first: The next evolution of identity management in the U.S. will grow out of Facebook. So watch what you out in your profile.
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    Marijuana and Cocaine Should Be Legalized, Says Latin Americ

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    * 34 diggs
    No More Compromise: Obama Must Reject Bush Dictator Policies

    The recent haggling over Guantanamo Bay is such classic Democratic Party politics, it almost makes you want to laugh. Almost, except that it’s, you know, revolting. Eight years of Clintonian squirming was bad enough, but now we have Barack Obama, smoking Habeas Corpus and not inhaling it. Why is the Gitmo decision classic Democratic Party thinking?
    * 25 diggs
    Why the Pentagon Is Probably Lying Abt Sodomy & Rape Photos

    It is very likely that the Pentagon lying. This is probably exactly what the photos show, because it happened. Precisely these exact sex crimes -- these exact images and these very objects - -- are familiar and well-documented to those of us who follow closely rights organizations reports of what has already been confirmed.

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    U.S. policy is not about one individual, and no matter how much faith people place in President-elect Barack Obama, the policies he enacts will be fruit of a tree with many roots. Among them: his personal politics and views, the disastrous realities his administration will inherit, and, of course, unpredictable future crises. But the best immediate indicator of what an Obama administration might look like can be found in the people he surrounds himself with and who he appoints to his Cabinet. And, frankly, when it comes to foreign policy, it is not looking good.

    Obama has a momentous opportunity to do what he repeatedly promised over the course of his campaign: bring actual change. But the more we learn about who Obama is considering for top positions in his administration, the more his inner circle resembles a staff reunion of President Bill Clinton's White House. Although Obama brought some progressives on board early in his campaign, his foreign policy team is now dominated by the hawkish, old-guard Democrats of the 1990s. This has been particularly true since Hillary Clinton conceded defeat in the Democratic primary, freeing many of her top advisors to join Obama's team.

    "What happened to all this talk about change?" a member of the Clinton foreign policy team recently asked the Washington Post. "This isn't lightly flavored with Clintons. This is all Clintons, all the time."

    Amid the euphoria over Obama's election and the end of the Bush era, it is critical to recall what 1990s U.S. foreign policy actually looked like. Bill Clinton's boiled down to a one-two punch from the hidden hand of the free market, backed up by the iron fist of U.S. militarism. Clinton took office and almost immediately bombed Iraq (ostensibly in retaliation for an alleged plot by Saddam Hussein to assassinate former President George H.W. Bush). He presided over a ruthless regime of economic sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and under the guise of the so-called No-Fly Zones in northern and southern Iraq, authorized the longest sustained U.S. bombing campaign since Vietnam.

    Under Clinton, Yugoslavia was bombed and dismantled as part of what Noam Chomsky described as the "New Military Humanism." Sudan and Afghanistan were attacked, Haiti was destabilized and "free trade" deals like the North America Free Trade Agreement and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade radically escalated the spread of corporate-dominated globalization that hurt U.S. workers and devastated developing countries. Clinton accelerated the militarization of the so-called War on Drugs in Central and Latin America and supported privatization of U.S. military operations, giving lucrative contracts to Halliburton and other war contractors. Meanwhile, U.S. weapons sales to countries like Turkey and Indonesia aided genocidal campaigns against the Kurds and the East Timorese.

    The prospect of Obama's foreign policy being, at least in part, an extension of the Clinton Doctrine is real. Even more disturbing, several of the individuals at the center of Obama's transition and emerging foreign policy teams were top players in creating and implementing foreign policies that would pave the way for projects eventually carried out under the Bush/Cheney administration. With their assistance, Obama has already charted out several hawkish stances. Among them:

    -- His plan to escalate the war in Afghanistan;

    -- An Iraq plan that could turn into a downsized and rebranded occupation that keeps U.S. forces in Iraq for the foreseeable future;

    -- His labeling of Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a "terrorist organization;"

    -- His pledge to use unilateral force inside of Pakistan to defend U.S. interests;

    -- His position, presented before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), that Jerusalem "must remain undivided" -- a remark that infuriated Palestinian officials and which he later attempted to reframe;

    -- His plan to continue the War on Drugs, a backdoor U.S. counterinsurgency campaign in Central and Latin America;

    -- His refusal to "rule out" using Blackwater and other armed private forces in U.S. war zones, despite previously introducing legislation to regulate these companies and bring them under U.S. law.

    Obama did not arrive at these positions in a vacuum. They were carefully crafted in consultation with his foreign policy team. While the verdict is still out on a few people, many members of his inner foreign policy circle -- including some who have received or are bound to receive Cabinet posts -- supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Some promoted the myth that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. A few have worked with the neoconservative Project for the New American Century, whose radical agenda was adopted by the Bush/Cheney administration. And most have proven track records of supporting or implementing militaristic, offensive U.S. foreign policy. "After a masterful campaign, Barack Obama seems headed toward some fateful mistakes as he assembles his administration by heeding the advice of Washington's Democratic insider community, a collective group that represents little 'change you can believe in,'" notes veteran journalist Robert Parry, the former Associated Press and Newsweek reporter who broke many of the stories in the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s.

    Health Insurance Bankrupts Americans !

    Health Insurance Bankrupts Americans | Health and Wellness | AlterNet
    Health Insurance Bankrupts Americans

    By Deepak Bhargava, Center for Community Change. Posted May 31, 2009.

    Without a public plan we will continue to lack a way to force improvements in private plans.
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    Carbon Capture Can't Make Coal Clean. Period.

    WE Energies has proclaimed that it has captured carbon at a coal-fired plant, but this "success" won't come close to making coal clean.
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    You heard it here first: The next evolution of identity management in the U.S. will grow out of Facebook. So watch what you out in your profile.
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    Marijuana and cocaine for personal use should be decriminalised because the "war on drugs" has been a disaster, according to some of Latin America's most powerful politicians and writers.
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    No More Compromise: Obama Must Reject Bush Dictator Policies

    The recent haggling over Guantanamo Bay is such classic Democratic Party politics, it almost makes you want to laugh. Almost, except that it’s, you know, revolting. Eight years of Clintonian squirming was bad enough, but now we have Barack Obama, smoking Habeas Corpus and not inhaling it. Why is the Gitmo decision classic Democratic Party thinking?
    * 25 diggs
    Why the Pentagon Is Probably Lying Abt Sodomy & Rape Photos

    It is very likely that the Pentagon lying. This is probably exactly what the photos show, because it happened. Precisely these exact sex crimes -- these exact images and these very objects - -- are familiar and well-documented to those of us who follow closely rights organizations reports of what has already been confirmed.

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    Most Americans fear private health insurance companies won't be there for them when they get sick. As the debate heats up, it's really clear that a strong public health insurance plan must be a no-compromise element of any health care reform package. According to the Harris Poll only 7% of people judge private health insurance companies to be "honest and trustworthy." Trust in private health plans ranks above tobacco (2%) and oil companies (4%) but below hospitals (31%) and banks (21%).

    People have a lot of reason to be suspicious about whether private insurance will cover them when they fall ill. A report from the American Cancer Society and Kaiser Family Foundation showed that despite having private health insurance, cancer patients are running up large debts, filing for personal bankruptcy, and even delaying or forgoing treatment because they can't afford care.

    This is one of the reasons why a Lake Research poll found that a whopping 73% of voters want everyone to have a choice of a public health insurance plan while only 15% want everyone to have private insurance.

    An accessible public plan is critically needed for Americans who want an option they can be confident will be there when they need it. Consider the story of Kathleen:

    Kathleen, 46, is uninsured and has been denied coverage in the individual market because she has symptoms of leukemia. She lives in Florida, where the high-risk pool is not accepting new beneficiaries. She remains uninsured and has not had the necessary tests to confirm her diagnosis. "I have lost all faith in physicians and the health care system," Kathleen says. "No one is doing anything to help me."

    A group in Washington State has recently filed a law suit against high promising but non-delivering insurance companies. "It's a significant problem. People think they are covered and turns out they aren't," said Joshua Welter, of Washington Community Action Network, a grass-roots organization supporting issues such as health-care reform. One of the people who was a victim is Ruth:

    Ruth Bjorklund had an emergency hospitalization and later brain surgery. When she was hospitalized, Mrs. Bjorklund thought she had health insurance that met all the requirements under state law. But when the bills started coming in, she realized Nationwide was paying only a minimal amount of her expenses. Now she's more than $135,000 in debt. "I have a master's degree, and I got duped," said Bjorklund. "A lot of people were sold this plan. Hundreds of them. And it's wrong."

    A Harvard study found that 50 percent of all bankruptcy filings were partly the result of medical expenses. Every 30 seconds in the United States someone files for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a serious health problem. Consider the plight of David:

    David had to stop working as a truck driver after he was diagnosed with kidney cancer and has since been struggling to pay for COBRA during the two-year Medicare waiting period. His wife, Gloria, is his full-time caregiver and cannot work outside the home, and the couple has had to use much of their savings and borrow from friends and family to pay for their COBRA premiums. David cashed in his 401K at a 24 percent loss so that they will be able to continue to pay the COBRA premium until he is eligible for Medicare. Gloria tried to apply for Medicaid, but she learned that their income is too high. "There is not any help for people like us. We are not considered poor enough, but we don't have the money to pay it on our own," Gloria says.

    The case for a public option is simple. People need insurance they can trust. They need insurance they can afford and public insurance has a better track record than private insurance when it comes to reigning in costs while preserving access. Without a public plan we will continue to lack a benchmark which to force improvements in private plans. Americans want public and private insurance competing side by side so that they can choose the best option for themselves and their families.

    Reggae Rising