GW Bush

Bush is World"s #1 Terrorist

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    Arrest Karl Rove

    Arrest Karl Rove

    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

    America's biggest threat comes from within

    America’s biggest threat comes from within

    Paul Craig Roberts is a Republican who served as undersecretary of the treasury under Ronald Reagan and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, so he’s no kook or Commie. He warns, “Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the United States could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.”

    Roberts warns us that Bush has put into place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of executive orders that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency.

    Ask yourself: Would a government that has lied us into Iraq and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran shrink from staging terrorist attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda? Bush already ignores public opinion and laws he doesn’t like. His secret spying network is in place.

    He has politicized all levels of government, appointing cronies who are loyal to him rather than competent officials. Has he been setting the groundwork for dictatorship?

    Adolf Hitler, who never achieved majority support in a German election, used the Reichstag fire to fan hysteria and push through the Enabling Act, which made him dictator. Determined tyrants never require majority support in order to overthrow democratic constitutions. They declare “national emergencies.” A series of staged or permitted terrorist attacks would accomplish that.

    On a recent radio show, Roberts said, “Americans think their danger is terrorists. They don’t understand the terrorists cannot take away habeas corpus, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution…. The terrorists are not anything like the threat we face from our own government in the name of fighting terrorism.”

    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    'Collateral Damage: Bethena' Cindy Sheehan from Amman, Jordan

    Thursday, August 16th, 2007
    'Collateral Damage: Bethena' Cindy Sheehan from Amman, Jordan

    Last month when Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Ray McGovern and I took over 300 people and a petition with over a million signatures to Congressman John Conyers (D-Mi, Chair House Judiciary Committee) demanding impeachment, we believed we were morally correct then. Despite Rep. Conyers' long record of public service to our nation and several private meetings that went absolutely nowhere, and despite the mild to severe criticism we have received, we believed then and still believe now that impeaching BushCo is a Constitutionally mandated requirement and a necessary tool to reclaim our representative republic, end the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan ("The troops aren't coming home while I'm preznit," GWB), and to hold the monsters accountable who have wreaked havoc on our planet.

    I believe what we did on July 23rd was the right thing to do because we are all required to be active participants in our democracy. One of the reasons that all branches of our government are so out of control, Dems or Repugs, is that we have been passive voters who have allowed our elected officials to get away literally with murder for generations. The human element of "We the People" has been suppressed by the fascist elite and all but forgotten by an American public that has been lulled into an uncomfortable apathy by the "vast wasteland" of TV and its byproduct: a seductive, yet destructive consumerism that has us constantly striving not only to "keep up with the Joneses," but "smash the Joneses" in our quest for more, more, more. We have thousands, if not millions of Susie Soccer moms in their huge SUVs to NASCAR dad Nick watching high performing, gas guzzling cars go round and round in circles wasting precious oil for our dubious entertainment, while people are dying, being injured and displaced and while our troops receive no more support than a yellow magnetic ribbon on Susie's SUV.

    The Rev and I had another dose of reality the other day and our actions in Conyers' office were confirmed for both of us when we visited Bethena in al Jazeera hospital in Amman.

    An American fired mortar shell hit twenty-eight year old, former Baghdad resident, Bethena on June 1st of this year. Her husband was also injured in the abhorrent attack and her mother-in-law and sister-in-law were killed. Due to lack of medical care at first, Bethena still has a large hole in her stomach. She was allowed to stay in an American hospital for 7 days, and then told she had to leave. With a smashed arm, broken leg, and another leg amputated above the knee, Bethena had to make her way to Amman for medical help with her sister. She laid in her bed gazing at us with pain-filled, yet very aware eyes and she graciously allowed us to look at her wounds and record them on film. The entire time we visited with her, I couldn't help but reflect that Casey would have been the same age as Bethena just three days before she was mortared, if he hadn't already been killed not too far from where Bethena and her family were hit.

    Besides the incontrovertible fact that Bethena was no threat to the USA and we are occupying her country illegally and immorally, her hospital bills are costing the family 750.00 to 1000.00 a day and she still requires two more surgeries. The family had to sell their home in Baghdad and is rapidly going through their savings. Bethena's sister told us that a woman who suffered a heart attack from fright in the same mortar attack had her bills covered by the US, but we won't cover Bethena's bills because she was hit by an American bomb!

    We are going to the American Embassy here in Jordan to ask the same simple question: "Why?" Why is the government who harmed her not paying her bills?" and she is just one of thousands. As the war crimes compound in Iraq, the resistance heightens and no one wins in "lose-lose" land.

    My campaign for Congress' slogan "People Before Politics" is the exact opposite of what John Conyers told me and my staff in a meeting prior to the July 23rd sit-in: "It is more important to me (Conyers) to put a Democrat back in the White House in '08 than to end the war!" (Even if it is Hillary "If Saddam won't disarm, will we disarm him" Clinton") I can guarantee him that it is not what's most important to Bethena, the people of Iraq and the thousands of mothers in our own country who can't sleep at night, concentrate, eat or do much else for worry of their son or daughter in Iraq for the lies of BushCo and the criminal complicity of Congress, Inc.

    I wept in John Conyers' office that day as I wept over Bethena and her plight.

    We the People have also failed our soldiers and Bethena and rest of the innocent citizens of Iraq by allowing the partisan politics of greed and destruction to hijack our country. I wish every American could peer into Bethena's eyes and have an epiphany that there are many things more important than partisan politics as usual. I wish news cameras would show an American mother falling on the ground screaming in agony for her needlessly killed child. We see the devastation on Jordanian TV caused in Northern Iraq where over 500 people were slaughtered yesterday: we need to see that on our TVs.

    Then maybe, just maybe, this monstrosity would end.

    To help Bethena please go to and donate at the "Direct Aid Initiative."

    Democrats critical effort in California !!!

    Midday Open Thread

    Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 11:50:48 AM PDT

    • Jose Padilla has been convicted of federal terrorism support charges.
    • Democrats are launching a critical effort in California to fight a ballot proposal that would award two electoral votes to the statewide winner in the presidential contest, with the rest allocated according to results in each congressional district. Dividing up California's huge electoral vote this way would likely mean the loss of 20 electoral votes to the Dem. It's good to see this proposal is getting national attention and pushback.
    • This is a big surprise. Relatives and associates of GOP Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour are benefitting hugely from federal Katrina recovery dollars:

      Among the beneficiaries are Barbour's own family and friends, who have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars from hurricane-related business. A nephew, one of two who are lobbyists, saw his fees more than double in the year after his uncle appointed him to a special reconstruction panel. Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in June raided a company owned by the wife of a third nephew, which maintained federal emergency- management trailers.

    • The suicide rate in the Army is at a 26-year high, with 99 U.S. soldiers committing suicided last year.

      More than one out of four soldiers who committed suicide did so while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, according to a report scheduled to be released Thursday. Iraq was the most common deployment location for U.S. soldiers who either attempted suicide or committed suicide.

    • Oregon Dem Senator Ron Wyden (also my former boss) is blocking Bush's nominee to be the CIA's chief lawyer over torture issues:

      "I'm going to keep the hold until the detention and interrogation program is on firm footing, both in terms of effectiveness and legality," Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said Wednesday.

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    Gravel: Bush should be jailed, all drugs legalized

    Gravel: Bush should be jailed, all drugs legalized

    Published: Wednesday May 16, 2007

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    Former Sen. Mike Gravel, the longshot presidential candidate who has generated buzz in the liberal blogosphere following a dramatic and heated performance during the first Democratic presidential debate, reaffirmed his belief that President Bush should be jailed for going to war in Iraq and that all drugs should be legalized during an interview with the Iowa Independent blog.

    Responding to why he seemed to display anger at the debate, Gravel asserted it was the growing casualty list in Iraq that fueled his passion.

    "How would you feel if you were over there (Iraq) getting shot at, getting crippled, because your leaders didn’t exercise proper judgment?" said Gravel. "What about the people who are going to die between now and Christmas because we don’t end the war? That's a reason to get angry."

    Gravel went on to reaffirm his support for his signature campaign issue, a national initiative process, as well his support for a national sales tax, a traditionally conservative position.

    When asked whether he believed marijuana should be available next to beer in liquor stores, Gravel replied, "Go get yourself a fifth of scotch or a fifth of gin and chug-a-lug it down and you'll find you lose your senses a lot faster than you would smoking some marijuana."

    He asserted that all drugs should legalized and regulated. "The drug problem is a public health problem. It's not a criminal problem. We make it a criminal problem because we treat people like criminals."

    Gravel continued, "You take a drug addict, you throw him in jail, you leave him there, and he learns the criminal trade so that when he gets out you have recidivism."

    When pressed on his earlier statement that President Bush should be jailed for his manipulation of pre-war information, Gravel reaffirmed that belief.

    "If you had an FBI agent knock at your door today and you lie to that agent, you commit a felony and you go to jail," Gravel said.

    "If that's the way it is for ordinary citizens, what about the president of the United States who lies to the American people, fraudulently sells them on a war that 50 million Americans don't want and over 3,000 Americans get killed as a result of that, and thousands and thousands of Iraqis gets killed... do you not think that's a felony? It's criminal."


    Monday, August 13, 2007

    The "SICKO" Man Bush



    Did you know?

    One fourth of the Iraq war budget alone could fund healthcare for every uninsured person in this country.

    Think what the trillions of dollars wasted on war, occupation and destruction could do for the people:

    • Provide free medicine for all of our seniors and chronically ill.

    • Change the dismal statistics of infant mortality in major cities like Detroit, Baltimore and Washington D.C. where the mortality rates for African American and poor children rival impoverished countries abroad;

    • Stop the epidemic of hospital closings;

    • It could provide healthcare and treatment for the physical and psychological trauma that the survivors of Katrina and Rita are still suffering from;

    • Make healthcare for low wage workers and immigrant families a priority.

    While the war is bleeding us at home it is miniscule in comparison to the bloodshed, misery and pain that is being inflicted on the Iraqi people. The Lancet medical journal documented that 655,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed during the war (Oct, 2006). The health of the Iraqi people and the entire region has been destroyed. Solidarity demands that we act now to stop the war, end the occupation and bring the troops home now!


    1) Endorse

    2) Become a volunteer organizer

    3) Donate

    4) Download "Healthcare and the War are Sicko" leaflets at: - and get them out to your school, workplace, hospital, union hall, etc.

    Become a volunteer organizer - sign up online or call or write us at:

    Campaign for Healthcare, Not Warfare,
    c/o TONC,
    55 W. 17th St. 5C,
    New York, NY 10011

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