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    Arrest Karl Rove

    Arrest Karl Rove

    Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    Election Truth, GOP wants to steal election again

    Election Truth | Oregon Truth Alliance
    Election Truth

    While we are building this section, you can visit Oregon Voter Rights Coalition for updates on election reform and activism in Oregon. Your invaluable source for real reporting on the election crisis nationwide is The Brad Blog.

    * Ask Three Questions of John Kerry, Get Tasered
    * CIA Operation "Pliers" Uncovered in Venezuela
    * Clint Curtis: Walking for Democracy - Finding Out Who Won By Counting the Votes
    * Manipulation of Electronic Election Systems Equivalent to Foreign Occupation
    * Ohio: Further confirmation of a Kerry landslide
    * Prof. Steven Freeman: Proof Bush Lost the 2004 Election
    * Ralph Nader Blasts Chris Matthews' Harballs
    * The (Ugly) Secret of Oregon's Elections
    * The Fix in New Hampshire: Read it and Weep
    * Update on HR 811: Dangerous Election Bill Legalizes Secret Vote Counting
    * Why doesn't the GOP want Ohio's voting machines tested?
    * Will the GOP election theft machine do it again in 2008?
    * Dan Rather Reports: The Trouble with Touchscreens
    * Open Letter from Mark Adams, Florida Election Integrity Attorney
    * California polls: Obama will win -- Election Machines: Clinton won
    * Election Truth Best Videos Library
    * EON: Have we proven that the 2000 Election was stolen yet?
    * GOP's Organized Election Crime Ring
    * The Emperor has No Votes: It is now beyond dispute that the 2004 election was stolen

    Ask Three Questions of John Kerry, Get Tasered ›

    * By OTA at Aug 9 2007 - 15:14
    * Printer-friendl

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