Bush League The state of Texas, under the leadership of
Governor George W. Bush, is ranked:
50th in spending for teachers' salaries
49th in spending on the environment
48th in per-capita funding for public health
47th in delivery of social services
42nd in child-support collections
41st in per-capita spending
on public education
and ...
5th in percentage of population
living in poverty
1st in air and water pollution
1st in percentage of poor working parents
without insurance
1st in percentage of children
without health insurance
1st in executions
(avg. 1 every 2 weeks for Bush's 5 years)
Just think of what he could do for
(to) the country if he were president!
A Bush in the Hand is Worth 2 Birds in the Mouth |
"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier,
just so long as I'm the dictator."
- George W. Bush (December 18, 2000)
"There ought to be limits to freedom.
We're aware of this site, and this guy is just a garbage man,
that's all he is."
- George Jr., on a web site that parodies him.
While commenting on gun control:
"We’re supposed to have guns. It says so in the Bible; and the second greatest book ever written, the Texas State Constitution."
- Wyoming Weekly Journal, Mar. 2000
On the environment:
"What’s all this whining about the environment? They’re always talking about ‘stop the clearcuts.’ I mean do the math people. If we were out of trees then we wouldn’t have any clearcuts to be complaining about
now would we?"
- The National Speculator, March 2000
On Capital Punishment:
"Please, don't kill me."
George W. Bush shows what a "compassionate" conservative he is during an interview with Talk magazine with this sarcastic phrase, mocking the fate of executed death-row inmate Karla Faye Tucker. Under Bush, Texas has executed someone an average of
every two weeks.
-National NOW Times, Spring 2000
When advised that the homosexual population is one of the most
well-educated and active voting groups in the nation:
"What? So I’m supposed to kiss up to those perverts now?
I’ll tell you something, I don’t want any of them touching my ballots.
Someone could get AIDS from that."
-Elite Viewpoints, March 2000
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