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    Arrest Karl Rove

    Arrest Karl Rove

    Monday, July 28, 2008

    Thank you, San Francisco and Supporters from All Over the Nation from Cindy Sheehan : THANK YOU, SAN FRANCISCO and Supporters from All Over the Nation ...from Cindy Sheehan
    Monday, July 28th, 2008
    THANK YOU, SAN FRANCISCO and Supporters from All Over the Nation ...from Cindy Sheehan

    Dear Friends,

    Due to some very dedicated volunteers and employees (who not only earned a little extra money but believe in our campaign that is by and for the people), Cindy for Congress will be turning in our nominating signatures this Tuesday, July 29th!

    Our campaign goal was to turn in the nominating signatures by August 1st, so we are ahead of our campaign schedule and will be 10 days ahead of the deadline.

    We will pick up supplemental petitions on Tuesday to gather signatures until August 8th: the number depending on the number of signatures that are invalidated, but on Tuesday, we will be turning in well in excess of the 7698 that are still due.

    According to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News, I will be only the 6th non-partisan to attain ballot status in California.

    Quite a historic day for the people. Not only is it super difficult just in a logistical way, but WE WILL BE ON THE BALLOT AGAINST THE FAILED SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE! This is huge! This is profoundly significant!

    We are 100 days away from the election and 100 days away from sending Pelosi packing.

    Talk about a revolution! Talk about a peaceful coup!

    Love & Peace

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