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    Arrest Karl Rove

    Arrest Karl Rove

    Tuesday, July 29, 2008

    Are they going to Steal 2008?

    Greg Palast » Articles
    Are they going to Steal 2008?

    Are they going to Steal 2008? Don't worry: it's already stolen. But you can steal it back. Ted Rall and I have teamed up for one of the first ever series of hard-edged investigative journalism - in 'toon form. Steal this strip ... and pass it on: VOTE THEFT FOR IDIOTS - PART 1 ... (click the photo for higher quality, or click here to download a pdf)

    by Greg Palast and Ted Rall

    And if you're in LA and New York, don't miss the opening of the film that pulls down the pants of the Ohio election, "Free For All." Follow John Ennis into the colon of American democracy, Ohio 2004. It's funny as hell - oddly, democracy's death can tickle your funny bone while laying out the story of the latest quadrennial vote heist. Watch the trailer here.

    This film will be available online at on July 4th -- for downloads, for DVDs, and for FREE streaming! (Please also check out our new line of hip shirts!) (Show me more...)

    Dropped in: Articles around 9:19 pm

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