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    Arrest Karl Rove

    Arrest Karl Rove

    Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    Bush Crime Family wants to attack Iran

    Iran Resources

    The Bush Crime Syndicate is hell bent on starting another war, this time in Iran. There are so many reasons NOT to do this, and it is such a disastrously stupid and abhorrent thing to do at this time, that we are bracing for it to occur any day now as long as the Cheney/Bush pResidency remains in power. All the more reason IMPEACHMENT IS IMPERATIVE to preserving our country (and to prevent WW Dubya.)

    History shows that we have undermined an elected leader of Iran before, the popular Mossadeq, who favored nationalizing Iran's oil industry. He was overthrown by a CIA led propaganda effort to tar him as a communist and to give more influence to the US backed Shah of Iran, who ruled as dictator for many years thereafter, protected by his brutal secret service, the Savak.

    * Inexorable March Toward War With Iran?
    * Bombs away? Scott Ritter says the U.S. plans to attack Iran; Possible April Timeframe
    * Bush Crime Syndicate Test Markets the Iran Invasion
    * How the Pentagon Planted a False Story
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    * Link Iraq to Iran,’ Rumsfeld argued before proof
    * New Insight on Attacking Iran
    * The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet – The New Pearl Harbor
    * Iran: The Next War (Rolling Stone)
    * Prevent War on Iran!
    * Scott Ritter to Speak in Portland 1/14 @ Lincoln High
    * Hagel Calls For Direct, Unconditional, Comprehensive Talks With Iran

    Inexorable March Toward War With Iran? ›

    * By OTA at Nov 2 2007 - 19:40
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