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    Arrest Karl Rove

    Arrest Karl Rove

    Tuesday, October 19, 2010

    The outlaw Karl Rove is doing it again !!!

    Karl Rove is trying to steal elections again for the Republicans.

    Our TV's, radios, and mailboxes are being inundated with lies and smears against Democrats.

    Who's paying for all those attacks? Rightwing billionaires like the Koch brothers, rightwing corporations like FOX News, even foreign corporations dedicated to stealing our jobs.

    Who's "the architect" of this effort? Karl Rove.

    Karl Rove stole the White House for George Bush in 2000 by getting 5 Republicans on the Supreme Court to throw out 175,000 votes and appoint Bush. He stole Congress for Republicans in 2002 by forcing a divisive vote for invading Iraq based on his WMD lies. He stole the White House for Bush again in 2004 through phony terror alerts and the Swift Boat smears against war hero John Kerry.

    And now he's at it again. He turned FOX News into a 24x7x365 Republican political machine, and even appears on FOX to smear President Obama personally. He set up a criminal secret slush fund to take millions from billionaires and corporations and spend it all smearing Democrats. (We are urging Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.) He vigorously defends other corporate slush funds like the Chamber of Commerce.

    But we can beat Karl Rove in November, just as we did in 2006 and 2008. Here's what we must do, starting immediately:

    Vote straight Democratic
    Tell everyone we know to vote straight Democratic
    Even tell strangers to vote straight Democratic
    Here are all the resources you need:

    In many states, early voting has begun so you don't have to wait for Election Day. After you vote, you can zap political ads, throw out political mail, and spend your free time telling friends and strangers to vote straight Democratic. This will be good for America, good for your mental health, and good for your soul.

    Share your thoughts in our new blog:

    Thanks for all you do!

    Bob Fertik

    PS: I wish the Obama Admin had the cajones to prosecute Karl Rove !!!

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