GW Bush

Bush is World"s #1 Terrorist

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    Arrest Karl Rove

    Arrest Karl Rove

    Sunday, September 28, 2008

    Bush lied again on Wall Street Bailout !!

    Bush lied again on Wall Street Bailout !!

    Bush lied again in his speech asking for Wall Street Bailout. If you compare with his speech on 2002 asking for the Invasion of Iraq due to WMD's and imminent nuclear attack from Iraq. That are all lies that the American people should not tolerate anymore.
    These lies are all about payoff to the big corporations in America.

    1- There was no imminent threat from Iraq, as we knew by then and know now.
    What Bush did was a payout for his friends from the big corporations like Dick Cheney's Halliburton, Bush's daddy Carlyle group and others.

    2- Bush made sure the pharmaceutic industries got money from Medicaid, Medicare by not allowing them to negotiate for cheap drugs from overseas.

    3- Bush payoff to the big oil companies: gas at $4 - $5/gallon
    also Bush did not support any alternative energy plan.

    4- Bush payoff to the credit card banks: He made Bankrupt less accessible

    5- Bush payoff to Wall Street: $700 Billion with American taxpayers money.

    If another republican like John McInsane is elected Social Security, Medicare, Madicaid and the American Middle Class are all in danger to become extinct. During Bush regime the richest got richer and the middle class got poorer, with his insane tax cuts for the top 1% american.

    GOP is a party for the rich and corporations.

    John McInsane = John McSame : is Bush on steroids !!!

    Vote for Obama !!!!

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