Bush: US is not headed into recession
- added February 28, 2008
- 27 responses
- Frobot
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Oil is $100 a barrel, gold is $945 an ounce, and the dollar is at it's lowest level against the Euro...everything is great!
- Frobot
- 14 days ago
27 responses
- I guess he forgot to read this link.
- Frobot
- 14 days ago
- The audacity!
- uroborus8
- 14 days ago
- I am reminded of a little kid who is told that if he eats his peas (which he hates), he can have his dessert. It's as if President Bush thinks talking to the media, something he doesn't like and doesn't do often, automatically means that he will get something he does like, like an extension of his domestic spying bill. Seems to me if he is demanding action from Congress, he should be on capitol hill, making his case and talking to them, rather than to reporters.
It also seems like he thinks that if he says something is true, that somehow that will make it true. All reports are that the economy is tanking, and yet he says we're not in a recession, that it's just a slow down. Semantics...-
- Tori
- 14 days ago
- Nice, one less thing to worry about.
- 14 days ago
- sforte
- 14 days ago
- thats right people...
reminds me of this bedtime nursery rhyme...
where the parent lullabies the child back to sleep with a tale that ends with the bow breaking? makes perfect sense...go back to sleep sheeple-
- ablindeye
- 14 days ago
- Obama breaks it down,,,,
- Frobot
- 14 days ago
- If I were a wealthy corporation owner, and Bush and McCain were going to make tax cuts permanent that would save my corporation and myself hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of dollars over the next eight years, I would probably hand them a few hundred grand to keep them in office. They would use this money to stay in office using whatever means necessary - lies, manipulating the media, spreading political favors around to others who will help them stay in office. Multiply my donation by that of all my wealthy friends.
I think that's how it works in American democracy. Sound about right?-
- Julie_Soller
- 14 days ago
- Yes, Julie...you have it EXACTLY right. That's why it's not illegal...they're only doing what makes sense!
- truferblue22
- 14 days ago
- Blah. I am so sick of George's shit. I keep wondering how bad the economy is going to get before it gets better.
- AnemicElitist
- 14 days ago
- The Emperor has no clothes! Honestly, are there people who buy into this snake oil bullshit?
- rabidlemur
- 14 days ago
- Seriously, does anyone even listen to that guy anymore?
- somerandomdude
- 13 days ago
- Bush who? The war criminal? Why is anything he says even taken seriously? Of course we aren't headed into a recession... we're already there. Can we just impeach him already?
- JanforGore
- 13 days ago
- Oh, and silly me was thinking we WERE. haha. We're all okay guys! Bush said it's alright! And even if we were, why would we confront it, if we ignore it it'll go away, right? Woo!
What a fucking doofus.-
- ILiveonaClock
- 13 days ago
- This man & his Admin. have sunk the USA into the mess we are in, domestic & International. Yet, He insults our intelligence by trying to feed us the crap that comes out of his mouth. The sorry thing is that 30% of our citizens still eat this stuff up and follow this Moron.
- pipichin
- 13 days ago
- Why is this person still in office?
What is wrong with our system.-
- CarolynGillis
- 13 days ago
- ron paul predicted this months and months and months ago... at the START of his campaign.
- rombiemachine
- 13 days ago
- ”What’s happening is there’s transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy. This comes about because of the monetary system that we have. When you inflate a currency or destroy a currency, the middle class gets wiped out, so the people who get to use the money first, which is created by the Federal Reserve System, benefit, so the money gravitates to the banks and to Wall Street. See, that’s why you have more billionaires than ever before.
Today this country is in the middle of a recession for a lot of people. Michigan knows about it. Poor people know about it. The middle class knows about it. Wall Street doesn’t know about it. Washington, D.C., doesn’t know about it. But it’s because of the monetary system and the excessive spending. As long as we live beyond our means, we are destined to live beneath our means. And we have lived beyond our means because we are financing a foreign policy that is so extravagant and beyond what we can control, as well as the spending here at home, and we’re depending on the creation of money out of thin air, which is nothing more than debasement of the currency.
It’s counterfeit. And it is a natural, predictable consequence that you’re going to have people benefit from it and other people suffer.
So if you want to help the economy, you have to study monetary theory and figure out why it is that we’re suffering. And everybody doesn’t suffer equally, or this wouldn’t be so bad. It’s always the poor people, those on retired incomes, that suffer the most. But the politicians and those who get to use the money first, like the military industrial complex, they make a lot of money, and they benefit from it.” - ron paul-
- rombiemachine
- 13 days ago
- look at what his idiot adversaries said in the same october debate:
Fred Thompson: ”I think there is no reason to believe that we’re headed for a recession. We’re enjoying 22 quarters of successive economic growth that started in 2001, and then further in 2003 with the tax cuts that we put in place. We’re enjoying low inflation. We’re enjoying low unemployment. The stock market seems to be doing pretty well. I see no reason to believe we’re headed for economic downturn.”
Mitt Romney: “Michigan is undergoing a one-state recession, [but] the rest of the country is growing and seeing low levels of unemployment.”
Rudy Giuliani: “A president can’t be an economic forecaster. A president’s not going to be any better an economic forecaster than you are a baseball forecaster.”
John McCain: “Everybody’s paying taxes, and wealth creates wealth. And the fact is that I would commend to your reading, Ron, Wealth of Nations, because that’s what this is all about. A vibrant economy creates wealth. People play — pay taxes. Revenues are at an all-time high.”
- rombiemachine
- 13 days ago
- I loooove the way they keep saying that recession is a "possibility" or something that "may possibly happen, but we don't think it's happening yet!" Kind of like how they described the civil war in Iraqi. Sure you've got 3 different religious/ethnic militas all killing each other in a genocidal rage -- but surely THAT can't be labeled a "civil war." Oh you reckless liberal media! Don't these reporters know such talk only emboldens the enemy? (Thank God Obama doesn't spew bullshit like that) That's like saying that, yes, the Union forces and the Confederates are engaged in a minor conflict in Gettysburg, but we shouldn't be so reckless as to label it a "civil war." And here we go with the economy! Spinning a bad situation is understandable, but there comes a point where you can't spin something. Foreclosures are at the highest rate since the Great Depresion, wages are falling, prices are skyrocketing, the dollar is falling -- you've got everything except stockbrokers jumping out of windows and yet the Keystone Cops, er, I mean the intellectuals of the Bush Admin. keep insisting that despite all outward appearances everything is actually perfectly fine. Sometimes things are exactly as they seem and no amount of spin will change what you know to be true. What if your cellmate turned to you and said, "Granted it may have SEEMED like I was violently raping you last night, but....." After 8 years of Bush as a cellmate it'll be awhile before any of us can sit down without wincing.
- crob80227
- 13 days ago
- i think under obama we will experience stag-flation... that means inflation AND high taxes. similar to what happened under carter.
the man doesn't understand monetary policy. until (if) we have a president who understands monetary policy we will be a slave to our paper fiat money and taxes.-
- rombiemachine
- 13 days ago
- if it looks like duck, quacks like a duck, walks like duck... it probably is a duck not a dove george w.
- common_sense_allowed
- 10 days ago
- Bush is a quack of a decider, everything he knows is wrong!
I am in the construction trade and I can tell you from personal experience and observing others that the mortgage debacle is spreading fast, to both the home supply and construction industries.
Just look at the plunge in sales at home depot etc.
Many I know in construction have been laid off, most contractors say that they have no new projects on their future calenders. Some have already closed their doors.
We had better brace for the worst down turn since the great depression folks!-
- wboune
- 9 days ago
- wboune you should tell those laid off to check out ron paul. believe me obama will not fix this mess
- rombiemachine
- 9 days ago
- i truly don't think anyone believes paul, obama, clinton or mccain can reverse this mess. trust, whoever gets in office will no doubt feel it from the country at-large. in any economic downturn or social change, the general public looks for a savior but what they really need is to be aware of the greater global economy and how we fit into that... that's where leadership is needed - proactive leadership i should add. woe unto the capitalist democracy... gotta love it!
- common_sense_allowed
- 9 days ago
- Yes I like some of Ron Paul's ideas, however it is pretty clear he will not be elected.
If you look at things with an open mind, without partisan bias, there is a much larger populace movement behind Obama than there ever could be for Paul.
We have to work with what we have. Do we want more of the same from John McCorporate, do we want Hillary to complain about answering the hard questions, or do we select a cool headed individual to counter what the hot head has already done?
We need to continue to pressure congress and the new president, whomever it may be, to make changes in the way they spend our tax dollars.
I believe that we need to investigate the idea of a new forty year mortgage to allow more people to qualify and be able to make their monthly home payments, and offer these to those who are facing foreclosure and perhaps to those who have lost their homes so they can buy them back. In the process the banks get their bad portfolio processed through with the new instruments.
Less on war more on infrastructure and a new green and clean economy.
Demand higher solar tax incentives, the tax law expires this year. when you install renewable energy products, make the law allow one to get rebates when installed on any and all properties one might own, now and in the future.
Going green in a very big way would generate millions of new jobs and better yet we should manufacture the solar and wind here, it is already being done - buy American.
Provide tax incentives and rebates if you purchase or modify a vehicle to be a plug and drive hybrid.
Buy plug and drive hybrid vehicles, with new renewable juice to charge them and we change the energy equation big time and create a new sustainable economy based on predictable renewable energy.
A company here in the SF Bay Area modifies hybrid autos, adding more batteries and reprogramming the computer to make them run on electricity when driving at city speeds. Toyota is planning to offer their own factory plug and drive hybrid very soon. These cars average about 100 mpg.
Imagine if 10% of the public bought these type of vehicles and installed renewable energy to offset the additional electricity consumption and all or most of their household energy requirements. We may not need to import any foreign oil.
Imagine if the other consumers then saw the huge personal financial benefits and followed suit, we would find energy cost going down over the next twenty years, instead of shooting through the roof.
Provide incentives to the auto manufacturers to get their factories set up for a rapid transition to plug and drive hybrids. If gas prices hit $10-15 around the year 2012 the only vehicles which will sell will be plug and drive hybrids!
Urge Ford credit and GM credit etc. to offer loan packages that people might finance both their car and the solar and wind system to charge them with (maybe solar car ports for those who do not own their homes), with incentives to do so.
Provide incentives and urge business owners to install solar and wind at their places of business to make them more competitive and to allow their employees to charge their cars while at work.
With renewable energy coupled with our technical agility we can be the most competitive workers on the planet. High fuel prices coupled to low renewable costs will drive local manufacturing to reappear.
We have to make personal plans and commitments to alter the equation and urge the government to provide incentives to further those goals.
Based on the new long term cost projections of the Iraq war, 3-5 trillion, we could have paid for the entire country going green with those misspent funds. I guess we will have to raise the taxes quite a bit on the super rich, who are the very people who have profited greatly from the wars, to pay down this hideous deficit.
Somehow we must do better!
If the people will lead and the government will follow!-
- wboune
- 9 days ago
- Historically the American people have been able make change through political action, but only when they are truly pissed.
That is what changed the equation when the robber barons ruled and were put in their place and forced to paid 90% taxes.
We have to take it back from the modern day robber barons. The top 5% who own a majority of the market and gain a majority of the income, and the 180,000 who run the major businesses of this land and are paid unearthly amounts, even when they fail badly, which has been happening a lot lately.
It looks right now that people a truly pissed!
Don't stop writing and blogging for meaningful change!
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