Delusional Bush as the US collapses under its debt load
By: Econ on: 28.05.2006 [19:39 ] (16122 reads)
By: Econ on: 28.05.2006 [19:39 ] (16122 reads)
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by Econ on 28.05.2006 17:36
The phony 'war on terror' that the US cooked up to expand its hegemony will end just like the Cold War, the US will 'win' its way into bankruptcy.
We are already seeing the US collasping internally as the US cannot even afford to rebuild its own damaged cities while waging war in Iraq.
The US struggling to maintain domestic (debt) consumption while waging a war, running up huge deficits and CUTTING TAXES.
Guns and butter is just not working this time around.
Guns and butter as a means of propping up the collapsing US econony is no longer working as American consumers, businesses and the governement can no longer absorb any more debt necessary for US expansion.
The rest of world is slowing getting rid of the worthless dollar, thesoource of US hegemony.
The Cold War (guns and butter) defict (debt) spending left the US economy a hollowed-out financial shell with $9 trillion in debt and the US can't even afford the interest payments on this debt.
US manufactuting was shifted to Japan in return for a few useless military bases to project US power.
Now China has emerged as a new industrial power and the US can't prevail in a war with China, the US lost its proxy war with China, the Korean War, which ended in a stalemate at the DMZ.
Take a look at Detroit and you will see the price Americans paid for a useless military base in Japan that serves no useful purpose, a city destroyed when all the car job left for Japan, Korea so that the US can build bases there.
The US will never be able to impose its hegemony on North Korea.
The US has had to subsist on boom and bust asset bubbles with the need to borrow $2 billion a day.
It is clear that the US can't afford the 'war on terror'.
Why are military bases needed in Iraq when the US can't even afford to rebuild New Orleans?
The 'war on terror' has done more to make sure that rather than expand US hegemony is doing more to cause its rapid implosion.
With the run up in oil prices to $75 a barrel, thanks to the ignorant jews and their ill-fated Iraq war that war ALONE will cost about $2 TRILLION, a number that does NOT include another war.
Furthermore, as the US as been severly militarily, diplomatically, financially, economical and politically weakened in Iraq, Russia, Iran
and Venezuela are enjoying their profit windfall re-arming themselves for the quicky approaching day that the hegemony implodes.
With the worthless dollar, the source of US hegemony, plunging everyday and Iran and Russian starting their own oil bourses, you can already see the asymetrical way in which the rest of the world is slowing doing away with US hegemony.
The US simply cannot invade every country to steal their natural resources on the guise of bringing them 'democracy'.
Everywhere like Boliva, Venezuela, where the US is losing its hegemony all of a sudden these countries are sliding back on 'democracy', even though the leaders of the those countries were elected in fair elections in which the majority of their poor populations wanted their natural resources nationalized to prevent further exploitation of their resources in which they have yet to see any benefits.
The US is going to have to live with 'democracy' (its euphisim for US imperialism and hegemony) being rolled back in all these places.
It is only the ignorant jews in America who still speak of the US as a '1000-year benevolent empire' and with their self-serving flattery in their fanzines have convinced the moron in the Whitehouse to equate the Cold War (supposedly WWIII according to the stupid jews and their nomenclature) with the 'war on terror'.
One just laughs at these ignorant jews with no military experience creating enemies for the US and then plotting a war. IT is no wonder their Iraq war will now cost $2 trillion, a price future American generations will pay.
These ignorant jews often compare Bush to Churchill, the very man who instigated WWII (to prevent the rise of Germany) thinking it was going to preserve the British Empire, but instead he was the one who had to dismantle the British Empire as it crumbled from one war too many.
Bush thought by invading Iraq and controlling the Middle East, that he was going to prevent the rise of China.
By now the Super Imperial Army should have marched through Teheran, Damascus and Lebanon.
Instead, the US military and its high tech junk are hiding out in heavily fortified "Green Zones" in Iraq waiting for a facing-saving way to leave Iraq without it looking like Vietnam II.
The jewish logic here is simple, if the US 'won' the Cold War by driving itself into bankruptcy, deindustriailizing itself in the process and wasted its dwinding blood and treasure on an empire of now useless military bases, then the 'war on terror' is good idea.
NO attention is paid to the economic costs of the Cold War, just as no attention is being paid the economic costs of the phony war on terror designed in part to prop up a collasping US economy through government deficit (debt) spending.
It is clear that the US has reached the point of diminishing returns in which no matter how much they spend on the military, it is NOT going to reverse the US economic decline.
The US is left to brandish his nuclear weapons as though that can reverse it economic decline.
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